What We Can Do For You
608 356 9282
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Whether you need a quick oil change or reliable tire alignment, we can quickly and efficiently get it done for you. We also perform most diagnostics and repairs, so you don’t have to make a trip out to Madison or the dealer.
We service and repair most makes and models of cars:
- Chevrolet
- Pontiac
- Audi
- Honda
- Hyundai
- Dodge
- Ford
- Subaru
- Volkswagen
- Kia
- Volvo
- Infiniti
- Chrysler
- Jeep
- Toyota
- Mazda
- Lexus
- Nissan
- Mercedes
- Fiat
- Ram
- Buick
- Land Rover
- Acura
Auto services we cover include:
- Oil changes
- Timing Belts & Water Pumps
- Check Engine Light
- Tires Sales, Repairs, & Rotations
- Heating & Air Conditioning
- Fluid Leaks
- Exhaust Repairs
- No-start Diagnosis
- New Keys
- Shakes, Pulls, Rattles, & Noises
- Manufacturer-scheduled Maintenance
- Overheating
- Alignments
Tire Alignments
With our computerized alignment and wheel balancing, we can detect even the smallest problems that easily go unnoticed. We also offer a complete brake inspection for your vehicle when you come in for your tire inspection.
Quality Tires For Sale
We have the quality tires your vehicle needs in our wide selection of name-brand tires. Whether you need tires for your truck, SUV, or compact car, we have it all. We even offer complimentary tire rotations every 6,000 miles for the life of your tires. Brands we carry include:
We Service All Parts of Your System
- Ball joints
- CV joints / boots
- Tie rods
- Shocks and struts
- Sway bar links
Oil Change
If you want to maintain your vehicle and optimize its performance, you should have your oil changed 3,000 to 5,000 miles for conventional oil and 5,000 to 7,500 miles for synthetic oil.
We Service All Parts of Your System
- Filter change
- Oil change
- Courtesy wellness inspection
- Fluid checks
- Belt and component checks
We recommend getting your brakes checked out once per year by our team to ensure that they are in proper working condition and keeping you safe at all times.
We Check For Wear & Tear
- Hydraulics
- Master cylinders
- Calipers
- Wheel cylinders
- Anti-lock brake system
Signs Your Brakes Need Service
- You have to push harder to brake
- Vibration in the steering wheel when braking
- Squealing or screeching sounds
- The red brake warning light is lit
- Hard and stiff or soft and mushy feeling
Air Conditioning & Heating
We have the expertise and certified staff to ensure your vehicle is in top condition. Our goal is for you to be comfortable and safe on the road at all times.
We Give Thorough Diagnostics
- Visual component inspection
- Full system performance test
- System control tests
- Leak detector tests
- Dye detection tests for slow leaks
Signs Your System Needs Service
- Cold or hot air stops coming out of vents
- Fan speed stops or only works on high
- Strange smell from the vents
- Strange noises from the dash
- Poor performance at random times
Please contact us at 608-356-9282 today!
Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM